In pre-war Germany the Hitler regime, with its crass philistine ways, induced many spiritual people to leave the country as esoteric thinking was in no way congruent with tough Nazi ‘philosophy’. Indeed one of the slogans of the Hitler regime was: ‘The butter is finished, now it’s time for iron’ (Short, 1994). It took decades after the war for the spiritual tradition to reassert itself in any measure. Ivo Wiesner, a young spiritual healer, who was born in north Germany in August 1960, was thrown therefore into a barren culture where his sensitivities found little endorsement. Unable to feel really at home in his own land, he came to England in the summer of 1991 to practise healing. Although there was no organised culture of this kind in Germany and no facilities there to develop spiritual awareness to any serious degree, he knew that there was a long tradition of spiritual interest in this country – represented particularly by the Spiritualists’ Association of Great Britain (the SAGB) and also by the Society for Psychical Research in Kensington (the SPR).