In the final stage of my research, I was able to interview three elite athletes who were not yet members of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (UWW) community when the project first began. Jeremy Campbell, Matt Scott, and Joe Chambers represent a “fourth generation” of athletes who were recruited by Tracy Chenowyth after Mike Frogley left for the University of Illinois (U of I). By now a new era-the Chenowyth erawas fully underway. Jeremy (Opie) Lade, once a mentoree, was now a mentor, although Melvin Juette and Eric Barber, who still live in Whitewater, continued in that capacity as well. UWW had firmly established its national reputation as the place for up-and-coming players to go, even if it meant bypassing the opportunity to receive a full-ride tuition scholarship at a Division I university.1