Used in art education for centuries, copying has also been helpful in the psychological assessment of organic impairment, as in the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test. Indeed, most art therapy assessments have incorporated psychological testing’s demand for standardized administration of tasks (including the materials being offered) and for scales that result in inter-rater reliability. Behavioral assessments now characterize most evaluations in education, mental health, and rehabilitation and are used by art therapists to assess patient progress in a variety of settings, although there is no standardized format. Indeed, for many years the art therapists of the Miami-Dade public schools have been using her instrument as a screening device and to assess the effectiveness of their work. Finally, a fairly comprehensive review of evaluation in and through each of the creative arts therapies was published by Feder and Feder in 1998. It covers many areas, including projective techniques and art therapist assessments.