Suppose that two independent samples of sizes m and n are drawn from two continuous populations so that we have N = m + n observations in total. We wish to test the null hypothesis of identical distributions. The location alternative is that the populations are of the same form but with a different measure of central tendency. This can be expressed symbolically as follows: H 0 : F Y ( x ) = F X ( x ) for   all   x H L : F Y ( x ) = F X ( x − θ ) for   all   x   and   some   θ   ≠   0 https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203911563/4aee2b7e-4c1a-4282-8d9e-64e6349e54c1/content/eq993.tif"/>