A last remark. When completing the printing of my opuscule, I received the first part of an important book inwhichMrE. vonBöhm [66]Bawerk, Professor of Economics at Innsbruck University, expounds the same theory of value as I did in my previous works, which can be found recapitulated in §II of the first part of the present Theory of Money. The last lines in this [Böhm-Bawerk’s] book touched me greatly, not only because of the flattering way in which I was mentioned, but also because of an observation that I want to make my own because it entirely agrees with my deepest and most intimate convictions as with the true idea that governed the writing of the present study:

We currently see – Mr Von Böhm-Bawerkv says – how the most original minds fromwidely differing countries, Jevons, Pierson, Walras, each in his own way, are pushing the new principle of Grenznutzen [marginal utility] as a foundation for the laws of exchange: would this not provide strong evidence that the theory of subjective value is more than a mental trifle, and that it would be a fertile basis for our science?1