Having negative thoughts in our head, particularly in uncertain situations, is not uncommon and is a fact of life for all humans. No matter how successful, intelligent or positive we are, negative thoughts can occasionally bother us, whether we like it or not. For example, it is natural to have negative thoughts in relation to an interview, an examination, a presentation, terrorism, a business deal, a social event, an appraisal or an illness. We tend not to pay too much attention to these thoughts, as we know in our hearts that these are just thoughts. They may or may not become a reality. Although it is rather unpleasant, it is not worth while wasting time on them, either worrying about or trying to get rid of them. The reality is that the more we try to get rid of these negative thoughts, the more powerful they become. For example, clients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ®nd their intrusive negative thoughts get stronger and more frequent, when they try hard to get rid of them. The harder they try, the worse it becomes.