Communication seems easy and we all can do it. You just open your mouth and the words come out. Some believe that they're good at it or that they're experts. It was therefore understandable that Gary was upset and might even have felt insulted when asked to work on his communication skills as part of the treatment. It is true that we have been talking since we were young, and it comes naturally to all of us to be able to speak, to communicate what we want, and to express our feelings, views and opinions. When you feel happy and comfortable with someone, it's easy to communicate well. When others are supportive, kind, accommodating and encouraging, it's easy to express your feelings, views and opinions or even to disagree. You feel good, they feel good and everything seems perfectly in harmony. When you have a strong disagreement, a con¯ict with someone, or are being unfairly criticised, it is then you ®nd out whether you can really communicate well. What do you say when the other person undermines you, is being unreasonable or refuses to listen to your point of view? How well do you communicate when you feel vulnerable and hurt, or if you are a person with low self-esteem who needs other people's recognition and acceptance in order to feel good?