This chapter consists of an experiment. It began when I was given an invitation

to write on ‘the blind short story’, something I had never contemplated before.

In searching out short stories that had to do with blindness, I encountered a certain

fascination with radiance: either a blinding radiance or a blindness to radiance.

I became interested in this treatment of radiance, as a complement to brilliance,

in terms of how literary texts might try to approach or gesture towards forms of

enlightenment. One of the things that presents itself as a difficulty here is that

radiance is unamenable to theorisation or criticism. It is at once evident and

mysterious, indefinable yet recognisable. Regarding a poetics of the real, these

stories pose a challenge in terms of their knowing naivete´, their naive consciousness,

and offer an opportunity to explore the workings of an ostensive mode of writ-

ing. What is at stake in this mode of writing are the ways in which a text might give

us a consciousness of ‘what is’ – or ‘what may be’ – in its non-definability, non-

formality, non-conceptuality. In the words of Yves Bonnefoy, this consciousness

may be a case of what you see when you ‘lift your eyes from the page’.1