Joaquín Casals Jiménez/Monica Lorenzo Vázquez/Montserrat Luque Pinilla / Tomás Pereda Riaza/Eva Triviño Acuña

Although the human factor has always been important, it has gained specific weight compared to soil, raw materials, capital, even technology. In this new concept of a global world, human contribution, from top management positions to the lowest job, plays a key role, and is the real protagonist of business projects. The key to managing success lies in the hands of the people who have achieved success by their ideas or performance. HRM can be described as a strategic element of the first order. A company can use the same machinery, the same production systems, the same materials; but the people it employs are not the same, and neither is their contribution. So having a team capable of making a better contribution than the competition makes the difference between success and failure of a company. The problem is that such contributions originate in the employee and are hard to obtain and control. It is thus necessary to create the right environment so that these contributions flow voluntarily.