You will recall from the introduction to specifications in Chapter 6 that

these documents are of considerable significance. Those who prepare

them carry a large part of the responsibility for ensuring that:

The quality of the completed work fulfils the requirements of the client. This is a matter which will have been fully investigated at

briefing stage (see Volume 1). For example, necessary standards of

hygiene in a hospital operating suite or of durability on thewalls of a

safe deposit vault are part of the brief and must be carried forward

throughout the project or they can become side tracked. Equally,

if the client is looking for a short-term building, for exhibition

purposes perhaps, this would be relevant. The level of specification is appropriate to the economic parameters

of the project. A matter that will also have been examined in detail

during briefing will be the cost profile, related to life cycle costs, of

the building required. The decisions reached must be respected.