Many people have experienced the process of cultural transition if they have physically moved from one culture to another. Anyone who has visited another country, moved from one region of the United States to another, or moved from one country to another has experienced this process to some extent. There are many changes that occur in the life of someone who moves into a new culture, and change, even positively anticipated change, can be stressful. Studies of life stress using the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (Table 5.1; Holmes & Rahe, 1967) have found



TABLE 5.1. Social Readjustment Rating Scale

Life event Scale of impact

Death of spouse 100 Divorce 73 Marital separation 65 Jail term 63 Death of close family member 63 Personal injury or illness 53 Marriage 50 Loss of job 47 Marital reconciliation 45 Retirement 45 Health problems in family 44 Pregnancy 40 Sexual difficulties 39 Gain of new family member 39 Business readjustment 39 Change in finances 38 Death of close friend 37 Change in line of work 36 More/fewer arguments with spouse 35 Large mortgage taken out 32 Foreclosure of mortgage/loan 30 Change in work responsibilities 29 Son or daughter leaving home 29 Trouble with in-laws 29 Major personal achievement 28 Change in spouse’s work 26 Starting or leaving school 26 Change in living conditions 25 Revision of personal habits 24 Trouble with boss 23 Change in work hours/conditions 20

Table 5.1 continues on page 73.