E-mail: cjlurit1@aol.com

“There is a definite need for lighthearted, whimsical, imaginative illustrations for children of color. It is important to me to create images that create a solid partnership with literary works that evoke an emotional interest, and provide an element of escape for the reader. Too often children of color are restricted to in the box thinking, and bound by the reality of cultural categorization. I believe when you offer any child an imaginative escape, when you offer a child an unusual creative adventure, it opens their minds. It gives them the opportunity to activate their creative genius. The utilization of the mind, particularly the creative mind, continues to develop throughout childhood, and extends well into the adult years. In my personal opinion there is a parallel with the next major scientist, the cure for cancer, financial genius, and ending world hunger, that lies within the child that can think outside of the box. It lies in the child that is able to look past traditional cultural casting, and begin to creatively conceive themselves in new roles, and exploring new solutions to old challenges. Literature is part of the solution; it is a much-needed tool in the creative development for Children of Color. Offering a body of imaginative, culturally relevant stories and images would assist in opening their world, and developing out of the box thinking. I am committed to contributing a body of work that would impact the literary world for all children, with a personal interest and passion for children of color.”