My name is John. I come from a small town in Tennessee. I decided to go to school out of state, unlike most of my friends. I'm a student at Big State University; this is my third year as an RA. Here at BSU, we have about 30,000 students. Most of the life around here is on campus, and close by. We are located in a relatively small town in an area far away from a big city. Back where I grew up, just about everyone went to church on Sunday. I started out going to the church across the street from my residence hall when I was a first-year student. Right now I'm taking a break from organized religion while I figure things out on my own. I'll probably return to it some day; right now, it's just not for me. Lots of people explore different religious beliefs here at BSU. There are also lots of groups out there to help people explore them. Most of those groups are pretty decent, but last year I found out that not all of them have the best interests of others in mind.