Behavior: Toyonna likes to tattle on everybody. She can find the small­ est thing to tell me every day. Toyonna consumes most o f my day with trying to get other students in trouble. It is also my conclusion that she creates situations to get others in trouble. This is an example of one of those situations. Toyonna and Tasha do not get along and they have been told to always stay apart from each other. We were having reading class. Toyonna and Tasha are both in my team teacher’s group. They were in her classroom and I was in mine. The other teacher went to use the rest room and I kept an eye on both classes. Toyonna informed me three times that Tasha was following her around the room. This was all in a matter of 5 m inutes. I asked some other students if Tasha was fol­ lowing her and they said that Toyonna was following Tasha. Toyonna created the situation and then tattled on Tasha. The last time it hap ­ pened, Toyonna actually attacked Tasha verbally. She then proceeded to argue with me about the situation. I brought Toyonna into my room and made her sit and read by my desk.