Essentially, Integral Urbanism seeks to integrate:

Functions or uses — living, working, circulating, playing, and creating [program, typology]

Conventional notions of urban, suburban, and rural as well as the private and public realms [morphology]

Center and periphery (local character and global forces) [scale]

Horizontal and vertical [plan and section]

The built and unbuilt — architecture and landscape architecture, structural and environmental systems, figure and ground, indoor and outdoor [people with nature]

People of different ethnicities, incomes, ages, abilities (universal design), locals and tourists, etc. [people of all kinds]

Design professionals (architecture; planning; landscape architecture; engineering; interior, industrial, graphic designers) as well as designers with construction and real estate professionals (design, build, develop), clients with users, and theory with practice [the design disciplines and professions, designers and nondesigners, concept and implementation]

Process and product [time and space, verb and noun]

System and serendipity, the planned and spontaneous, principle and passion [approach, attitude]