I was recently working with a Year 6 class on a history project about the Second World War. Among various investigations we pursued, one group were set the task of gathering information about the Holocaust. As well as collecting some suitable books from the class and school libraries, they also spent some time on the internet-connected computer in the school library. Among the texts they brought back from this particular experience was the following (I give only the first two paragraphs of a much longer document):

A short introduction to the study of Holocaust revisionism

Arthur R. Butz

[This article was originally published in the Daily Northwestern of May 13, 1991, corrected May 14]

I see three principal reasons for the widespread but erroneous belief in the legend of millions of Jews killed by the Germans during World War II: US and British troops found horrible piles of corpses in the west German camps they captured in 1945 (e.g. Dachau and Belsen); there are no longer large communities of Jews in Poland; and historians generally support the legend.

During both world wars Germany was forced to fight typhus, carried by lice in the constant traffic with the east. That is why all accounts of entry into the German concentration camps speak of shaving of hair and showering and other delousing procedures, such as treatment of quarters with the pesticide Zyklon. That was also the main reason for a high death rate in the camps, and the crematoria that existed in all.

(Source: https://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~abutz/di/intro.html" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~abutz/di/intro.html)