Matt and Louie like gambling. However, they keep losing. One day Matt has an

idea. If they gamble against each other – they can’t both lose. So they elect to flip a

coin and the winner gets a pound.

Matt flips the coin first, and Louie calls ‘tails’. It comes up heads. Matt wins. Louie

calls ‘tails’ the next time, and the next time for twenty goes, and it keeps coming up

heads. Louie thinks the coin is bent, and changes his call to ‘heads’. On the very

next toss the coin is tails. ‘Typical!’ jokes Louie when he sees this, but after the

same thing happens for the next thirty-nine goes, all of which he loses calling

‘heads’, he is looking pretty glum. He tries another twenty times, calling ‘tails’ and

tossing the coin himself but now the coin is favouring heads. ‘You’re pretty unlucky,

today!’ says Matt, pocketing another twenty-pound note. ‘The odds on that

happening must be minuscule!’ Louie exclaims resentfully.