The aim here is to probe more systematically into the Union’s concentric geopolitical form and some of the related divisions that have been forming in the post-Soviet north since the launch of the Baltic enlargement process and the deepening of relations with Russia. This will be done by making use of Q methodology 6WHSKHQVRQ%URZQDOVR$DOWRDEZKLFKZLOOKHOSXVWRORRN at subjective views of foreign policy makers and EU observers from the Baltic states and Russia’s Kaliningrad region. Some interview quotes pertaining to their subjective views have already been presented in the previous chapters, but here more emphasis will be put on outlining alternative and eurosceptic views as well, EHVLGHVWKHGLVFXVVHGRI¿FLDOYLHZVRI(VWRQLD/DWYLDDQG/LWKXDQLD$OVRLWZLOO be examined whether the Balts share some views with the Kaliningraders, who were found to occupy the most EU-integrationist positions among the Russians.