The 27 categories of video described in Table 0.1 can add substantial value to educational multimedia (termed instructional multimedia in North America). The term multimedia is used here to apply both to a computer package that includes video segments and to a multiple media course with video as an ingredient. Added value video techniques and teaching functions https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table">

Distinctive ways to assist LEARNING and (item 9) SKILLS development

composite pictures, e.g. split screen, S/I

animated diagrams exploring processes

visual metaphor/symbolism/analogy

modelling a process by a simplification

illustrating concepts with real examples

condensing time by editing real life

juxtaposition of contrasting situations

narrative strength of TV’s rich symbol system

demonstration of skills by an expert (e.g. craft, physical, reasoning, social, verbal)

2 Providing (vicarious) EXPERIENCES by showing otherwise inaccessible:

dynamic pictorial change or movement

places e.g. dangerous/overseas locations

viewpoints e.g. aerial, big close-up

technical processes or equipment

3D objects, using movement or juxtaposition

slow/fast motion

people/animals interacting, real or drama

one-off or rare events (include archive film)

chronological sequence and duration

resource-material for viewers to analyze

staged events, e.g. complex experiments, dramatized enactments

3 NURTURING (motivations, feelings)

determination, motivation, activation

stimulate appetite to learn, e.g. by revealing the fascination of the subject

galvanize/spur into action, provoke viewers to get up and do things

motivate use of a strategy by showing its success, e.g. exam techniques

appreciations, feelings, attitudes

alleviate isolation of the distant learner by showing the teacher or fellow students

change attitudes, appreciations, engender empathy for people

reassure, encourage self-confidence

authenticate academic abstractions by showing their use in solving real-life problems determination, motivation, activation appreciations, feelings, attitudes