Notwithstanding some residual uncertainties concerning the precise nature of the relation between rational cogitation and direct awareness in SaÅkhya and Yoga, I think it has been firmly established in this study that the most plausible way of understanding these systems’ metaphysical schema is as the outcome of a rigorous analysis of immediate experience and of the conditions of any possible experience. It therefore seems likely that the yogin, having acquired a state of relative mental quiescence through single-pointed meditation, then engages in a refined process of phenomenological analysis, which shades into metaphysical speculation upon the underlying conditions of the phenomenal constituents. When viewed as the product of this kind of inquiry, the metaphysical categories cease to look like a loose collection of disparate fragments, and instead take on the appearance of a cohesive whole. According to the investigation that I have

undertaken in the forgoing chapters, the components of the metaphysical schema can be best presented as follows.