As is well known, Albanian lacks a morphological infinitive. Thus where English or Romance employ an infinitive, standard Albanian and other Tosk dialects have recourse to të followed by the finite verb, as we shall see in Chapter 9. Geg varieties such as the one of Shkodër can employ the preposition mE (with) followed by a form of the verb which also occurs as a participle, giving rise to the so-called paskajore. In this chapter we account for this construct starting with a morphological analysis of the participial forms found in the Shkodër variety. One form consists of a verbal root inflected by a thematic vowel and by a perfective suffix; the agreement properties of this participle are overtly marked both by a suffix and by a preposed article. Fully inflected forms of the participle show the same agreement pattern as Romance perfect participles, in that the referential properties of the agreement morpheme are associated with the internal argument.