I discussed with J.C. Masterman a really pathological letter which I have received from Valentine Vivian about the case of MULLET. J.C. said that in certain eventualities the case would have to be passed back to us as it would have to be handled by the Twenty Committee. Vivian takes this to mean that we run and control the Twenty Committee, and cites it as an instance of friction between B1(a) and Section V. He goes on to express the hope that it may some day be possible for me to control my subordinates.The whole thing is nonsense since MULLET was dug out by us, and directed by us as being an agent resident in this country.The whole thing was done with the full co-operation of all parties concerned. If, therefore, the Political Warfare Executive or the Foreign Office or C do not wish to control him he will have to come back to us,who will have to be responsible for the instructions issued to him after they have been deliberated in the Twenty Committee.