The notion of organizational levels is common in organization development and change (ODC) texts. Many of these texts have their chapters constructed around interventions at different levels, for example, individual interventions, group interventions, inter-group interventions and total system interventions (French and Bell, 1999; Cummings and Worley, 2004). It appears that this approach uses organizational levels as a set of convenient headings under which various ODC activities can be categorized. Organizational levels in this context become a rather static notion. In the latter part of the last century, the focus was on individual, team and organization, but not on the systemic interconnectedness and interrelationship between them. By contrast, we are endeavouring to describe the dynamic nature of the four organizational levels. A significant element in this dynamic nature is the relationship between levels. Therefore, when we talk about any particular level, we are simultaneously dealing with an interlevel reality.