In Chapter 4 we looked at the EXIT (Extending Interactions with Texts) model to examine the processes underlying children’s learning from non-fiction material. In the next six chapters we will revisit the model and look at the kinds of teaching strategies that can be used to support and encourage such learning. In this chapter we will look at the prior knowledge children bring to a topic and how we might foreground that knowledge. In Chapter 6 we will look at the issue of question setting and how to develop children’s abilities in this. In Chapter 7 we will look at locating and reading information and in Chapter 8 we will look at strategies for helping children to monitor their own understanding as they read and to take notes effectively. In Chapter 9 we will look more closely at the issue of critical reading and suggest strategies for encouraging children in this. In Chapter 10 we will examine strategies for helping children communicate what they have found in effective ways. All of the strategies we will discuss in the following chapters have been extensively used by us, and the teachers working with us, in classrooms that span the age phases. We will show many examples of children’s work to demonstrate how the strategies can be adapted for differing age groups.