I n. m. 1 Etre droit comme un 1: To be as straight as a ramrod. 2 Mettre les points sur les i: To dot the i’s and cross the t’s. Ilfaut toujours lui mettre lespoints sur les i! You have to explain everything to him. ici adv. Je vois ça d’ici! (joc. & iron.): I can just picture it!—I can just imagine the events! icigo adv. Here. C’est icigo qu’on s’est rencontrés: This is where we met. I.D. n. f. 1 (abbr. Indication Durée) Appeler avec I.D.: To make an ADC call, to book a telephone call through the operator whose brief it is to inform you immediately after completion of its cost. 2 Une I.D. 19, une I.D. 21: Well-known models of cars manufactured by Citroën from the late 50s through to the 70s. idée n. f. 1 Se faire des idées: To ‘imagine things’, to have illusions about oneself or matters in general. Mais non, tu te fais des idées, on t’aime bien! You’ve got it all wrong, we’re very fond of you! 2 Se changer les idées: To have a break (in order to forget onc’s worries). Un voyage, ça te changera les idées: You should go away for a bit, a change is as good as a rest! 3 Avoir de la suite dans les idées: To know what one wants, to be forceful in following one’s original train of thought. 4 Avoir une idée de derrière la tête: To have ‘a niggly inkling’, to have a lurking suspicion. 5 Quand il a une idée dans la tête, il m l’a pas ailleurs! He’s as pig-headed as they come! 6 A mon idée: ‘To my mind’, in my opinion. A mon idée, tout ça va nous causer des emmerdements! If you ask me, this is going to bring us a load of trouble! 7 Une idée de: ‘A teeny bit’, a ‘soupçon’ of, a very small quantity. Il y a une idée de cognac dans votre sauce: I reckon there’s some brandy in that sauce of yours! idem adj. C’est idem au cresson: It’s six of one, half a dozen of the other-It’s very much the same thing. I.J. Proper name. (abbr. Service de l’Identité Judiciaire) L’I.J.: The department dealing with criminal records at Police Headquarters. illico adv. ‘Right away’, straight away, instantly. Il me faut ça illico! I want this now, if not sooner! (also: presto). image n. f. ‘Note’, banknote. Si t’es sage, t’auras des images! (joc.): If you play your cards right, you’ll get some money! (If you do what you are told you will be rewarded.)

imbitable adj. (joc.): 1 (of person): ‘Insuffer-able’, unbearable. 2 (of problem, situation): ‘Unfathomable’, incomprehensible. imbuvable adj. (of person): ‘lmpossible’, insufferable. Il est vraiment imbuvable, ton mari: l can’t stand the sight of that husband of yours! impair n. m. 1 Gaffe, ‘boob’, blunder. Faire un impair. To put one’s foot in it. Quand tu fais un impair, toi, c’est la belle gaffe: When you boob, you really put both feet in it! 2 Dirty trick. Faire un impair à quelqu’un: To do the dirty on someone.