English, be translated by: ‘You’ll be hearing from my solicitor!’) 2 Vous m’en donnerez des nouvelles! (of highly-praised item): I’m sure you’ll be delighted! C’est un petit pinard dont vous me donnerez des nouvelles! I think you’re really going to like this wine! novice n. m. Ne pas être un novice: To be an ‘old hand’, to ‘know the ropes’, to be familiar with the workings of something. noyau n. m. Un matelas rembourré aux noyaux de pêche: A hard and lumpy bed. noye n. f. Night. Ce qu’il fait de ses noyes,je m’en fous! I don’t give a damn what he gets up to at night! noyer v. trans. Noyer le poisson: To cloud and confuse the issue with an avalanche of irrelevant facts. noyer v. trans. reflex. Se noyer dans un crachat: To ‘make a mountain out of a molehill’, to give matters an exaggerated importance and to worry about them. nuit n. f. Etre de nuit: To be ‘on nights’, to work the night shift. nuitard n. m. (Postmen’s slang): ‘Nightie’, one who sorts mail at night. nuiteuse n. f. ‘Lady of the night’, prostitute plying her trade after dusk. nuiteux n. m. (Taxi drivers’ slang): One who does the night shift. numéro n. m. 1 ‘Character’, ‘card’, person who stands out from the crowd. Quel numéro, celui-là! You won’t see two like him! Un drôle de numéro: A bit of an oddball. 2 Maison à gros numéro: ‘Cat-house’, brothel. 3 Vendre au numéro (Artists’ jargon): To have a ready market where certain canvas sizes are concerned. 4 Quel numéro! (of prowess): What a feat!—What an exploit! 5 Un bon numéro: ‘Some valuable info’, good advice. 6 Avoir tiré le bon numéro: To have struck it lucky. (The expression originates from the days when conscripts were designated for National Service by a lottery system.) 7 Je retiens votre numéro! You’ve not heard the last of this!—You’ll be hearing from me! (Although the expression suggests hate and animosity, it is usually uttered with restrained jocularity.) 8 Le numéro cent: The ‘karzey’, the ‘bog’, the W.C. (The appellation is said to have its origin in the misreading of the word ‘loo’ on the door of a battle-weary field-latrine during W.W.I.) numéroter v. trans. Tu peux numéroter tes abatis! I’m going to make mincemeat of you!—You’re in for a thrashing! (These menacing words can be literally explained in that the threatened person should ‘number his limbs’ for piecing together after a good hiding.) nunu n. m. (joc.): Nudist.