FROM the purely psychological standpoint we find that the line of thought adopted in this book is in sympathy with the attitude of Jung,1 when he broke away from the strict Freudian school. In the first place, he recognized that the general set of man’s life was directed to an achievement of something higher, to something creative, to Deity in Alexander’s sense. Jung saw that the aim was not merely the achievement of sexual desire, or even of love, or of individual expression, as Freud and Adler, respectively, would have us believe. However, as was said in Chapter VIII, all these theories are complementary rather than mutually destructive. As to the means whereby this end is achieved, however, we would find ourselves at variance with Jung as he, like Freud, postulates a libido comparable to the élan vital of Bergson, coming from somewhere outside, and being of a different order to the ordinary processes of physiology.