To try to contextualize the discussion we could say that a small part of the known universe is inhabited by living beings, distinguishable from inanimate matter by a constellation of peculiar functions; the historical continuity of these functions we call life, and human language is one of its expressions. Since we are living creatures it is only natural that our dialogic practices and inferential patterns would emerge from our functioning as human beings; and thus philosophical attention to our biological condition should in no way be construed as an oblique devaluation of our unique capacity for the abstractions and formalizations in which we constantly progress. As we consider that life itself carries the flux of language we also notice that the study of metaphor may reinforce an awareness of the evolutionary nature of human linguisticity. By seeking to unravel the originary sources of our epistemic unfolding, metaphoric language offers precious avenues of access to the realm of our query.1 These original sources operating in the recesses of our cultural functioning could be relinked with public language in the effort to reach for an integrated comprehension of our evolving rationality. With an increasing permeability of cultural borders, moreover, the prospect of the forthcoming years may require our views to become interrelated as parts of a coexistential philosophy.2 As our ecosystem may be imperilled and as a global economy can be approaching, various principles of interdependence no longer constitute pious slogans but evolutionary opportunities.