The role of SEN coordinator is unique in that it is the only coordinator role which has its responsibilities defined within a government publication. Not only that, but all mainstream schools are expected to have such a designated teacher. Your starting point then, in developing your role, should be to consider the responsibilities identified in the Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs (DFE, 1994a), paragraph 2:14.

The SENCO has responsibility for:

the day-to-day operation of the school's SEN policy

liaising with and advising fellow teachers

co-ordinating provision for children with special educational needs

maintaining the school's SEN register and overseeing the records on all pupils with special educational needs

liaising with parents of children with special educational needs

contributing to the in-service training of staff

liaising with external agencies including the Educational Psychology Service and other support agencies, medical and social services and voluntary bodies

(DFE, 1994a, pp. 9–10)