Stafford: The Savage Heart; Lydia A.Schultz A. LaVonne Brown Ruoff, American Indian Literatures: An Introduction, Bibliographic Review, and Selected Bibliography, Keith E.Welsh Carl Woodring, Nature into Art: Cultural Transformations in Nineteenth-Century Britain; Françoise Lion-net Review Essay: Houston A.Baker, Jr., Workings of the Spirit: The Poetics of Afro-American Women’s Writing; Missy Dehn Kubitschek, Claiming the Heritage: African-American Women Novelists and History, Dympna C. Callaghan Review Essay: Constance Jordan, Renaissance Feminism: Literary Texts and Political Models; Sheila Fisher and Janet E.Halley, eds., Seeking the Woman in Late Medieval and Renaissance Writings: Essays in Feminist Contextual Criticism. DISCOURSE: THEORETICAL STUDIES IN MEDIA AND CULTURE (Indiana University Press, Center for Twentieth-Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, PO Box 413, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201, USA. Subscriptions to: Indiana University Press, 10th and Morton Streets, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 Issue 14.1, Winter 1991-92 Beatriz Colomina Domesticity at War; Lynne Joyrich Going through the E/ Motions: Gender, Postmodernism, and Affect in Television Studies; Tara McPherson and Gareth Evens Watch This Space: An Interview with Edward Soja; Kathryn Milun (En)countering Imperialist Nostalgia: The Indian Reburial Issue; Christina von Braun (trans. Jamie Owen Daniel) Strategies of ‘Misappearance’; Gloria-Jean Masciarotte The Madonna with Child, and Another Child, and Still Another Child…: Sensationalism and the Dysfunction of Emotions; Jean-François Lyotard (trans. Georges Van Den Abbeele) Voices of a Voice. Book Reviews: Mark Rose Contested Culture: The Image, the Voice, and the Law by Jane Gaines; James Schwoch The Mode of Information: Postructuralism and Social Context by Mark Poster; Marilyn Edelstein Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists by Elizabeth Grosz; Susan Willis Consumer Culture and Postmodernism by Mike Featherstone; Tara McPherson Feminism and Youth Culture: From Jackie to Just Seventeen by Angela McRobbie; Elizabeth Francis Subversive Intent: Gender, Politics, and the Avant-Garde by Susan Rubin Suleiman. Performance Issue(s): Happening, Body, Spectacle, Virtual Reality Discourse 14.2, Spring 1992 This issue moves, not exactly in sequence, from a retrospective on the happening out of the scene of action painting to the situationist critique of ‘the society of the spectacle’ to the extremities of performance in body art and autodestruction, including the aesthetics of paroxysm among the Viennese actionists, to the voice with no body of radiophonic art to redeployment of the body through the logic of computer programming to the projection of a ‘virtual reality’ on the edge of cyberspace. (Herbert Blau, from the Introduction) Herbert Blau The Prospect Before Us; Valie Export Persona,

Proto-Performance, Politics: A Preface; Jon Erickson The Spectacle of the AntiSpectacle: Happenings and the Situationist International; Ferdinand Schmatz Viennese Actionism and the Vienna Group: The Austrian Avant-Garde after 1945; Kristine Stiles Survival Ethos and Destruction Art; David Crane The Rope Trick; Gerhard Johann Lischka Performance Art/Life Art/ Mediafication; Josette Féral What Is Left of Performance Art? Autopsy of a Function; Birth of a Genre; Vivian M. Patraka Binary Terror and Feminist Performance: Reading Both Ways; Allen S.Weiss Radiophonic Art: The Voice of the Impossible Body; Valère Novarina Theater of the Ears; Regina Cornwell Interaction Art: Touching the ‘Body in the Mind’; Ann LaskoHarvill Identity and Mask in Virtual Reality. Flaunting It: Essays in Lesbian and Gay Studies Discourse 15.1, Fall 1992 As a new generation of lesbian and gay scholars begins to question the parameters of academic discourse, re-imaging bodies, identities, and sexualities, new voices are emerging to challenge the limits and possibilities of institutional debate. This collection of essays-drawn from papers first presented at a conference at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukeetraverses the landscape of lesbian and gay studies, invoking subjects and meanings as diverse as pornography, lesbian mystery novels, AIDS, reform school romance, (il)legal sexualities, camp, muscle magazines, and gender ambiguity to demonstrate the ways in which theorists and practitioners of sexual difference are queering the academy. Richard C.Medeiros Modernist and Postmodernist Inscriptions of Camp; June L.Reich The Traffic in Dildoes: The Phallus as Camp and the Revenue of Genderfuck; Sarah Chinn and Kris Franklin ‘I Am What I Am’ (Or Am I?): The Making and Unmaking of Lesbian and Gay Identity in High Tech Gays; JoAnn Pavletich Muscling the Mainstream: Lesbian Murder Mysteries and Fantasies of Justice; Thomas Piontek Applied Metaphors: The Construction of AIDS in Literature; Greg Mullins Nudes, Prudes, and Pigmies: The Desirability of Disavowal in Physical Culture Magazine; David Pendleton Obscene Allegories: Narrative, Representation, Pornography; Kathryn Baker Delinquent Desire: Race, Sex, and Ritual in Reform Schools for Girls; Terralee Bensinger Lesbian Pornography: The Re-Making of (a) Community. Book Reviews: Dana Beckelman Don Juan in the Village by Jane DeLynn; Cheryl Kader Stolen Glances: Lebians Take Photographs by Tessa Boffin and Jean Fraser; Stacey Wolfe Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories edited by Diana Fuss; Carmen Cavallo Engendering Men edited by Joseph A.Boone and Michael Cadden; Linnea Stensen Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers by Lillian Faderman; Mary Porter The Families We Choose by Keith Weston. Past issues of Discourse have focused on third world women, the emotions, technology, the body, and other topics. Contributors have included Joseph Roach, Elin Diamond, Jean-François, Lyotard, Susan Jeffords, Christina von

Braun, Michael Moon and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Susan Stewart, and Rey Chow. Future issues will feature essays by Jane Gallop, Gabriele Schwab, Meaghan Morris, Rosemary Coombe, and others. CULTURE AND POLICY (Institute for Cultural Policy Studies, Division of Humanities, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, Australia, 4111) Special Double Issue on Youth and the Arts Volume 2, Number 2 and Volume 3, Number 1 1990/91 Contents: (Selections and Excerpts from Submissions to the Youth and the Arts Policy Development Project commissioned by the Australia Council) Articles: Tony Bennett and Jennifer Craik Introduction: Youth and the Arts; Sue Gillard Music and Young People; Sarina Marchi Non-English Speaking Background Youth; Mark Radvan New Directions in Youth Theatre; Mark Radvan Interpreting the Brisbane Youth Theatre Survey; Mike Emmison, John Frow and Graeme Turner Youth Attitudes to the Arts; Gay Mason Participation and Access for Youth in Arts Education; Tony Bennett, Toby Miller, Gillian Swanson and Gordon Tait Youth Cultures and Arts Policies; Colin Mercer and Gillian Swanson Reviewing Youth Arts: Policy Implications; Barbara Johnstone The Arts and Cultural Participation Patterns of Australian Youth: Statistical Digest; Tony Bennett Towards a Youth Arts Policy: Rationales, Objectives and Strategies. Reviews: Georgina Murray Add Women & Stir: Six Feminists Political Economy Texts; George Lafferty Australian Attitudes: Social and Political Analyses from the National Social Science Survey; Graeme Turner Nation: The Life of an Independent Journal of Opinions 1958-1972; Anthony May Lost in Music: Culture, Style and the Music Event; Peter Anderson Defining ‘The Arts’ and ‘The Cultural Industry’: Recent Publications. JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION INQUIRY (205 Communications Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA) Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 1991 James Hamilton Editorial; Janice Peck Religious Television and the Historical Appeal of Form; Jane Caputi Charting the Flow: The Construction of Meaning Through Juxtaposition in Media Texts; Bruce Johansen Native American Roots for Freedom of Expression as a Form of Liberty; Gregory Stephens Rap Music’s Double-Voiced Discourse: A Crossroads for Interracial Communication; Elli Lester-massman The Dark Side of Comparative Research; Patrick Daley Alvin Gouldner’s Views on the Public Sphere; Jeffrey Rutenbeck Toward a History of the Ideologies of Partisanship and Independence in American Journalism; Charles Acland ‘Tall, Dark, and Lethal’: Discourses of Sexual Transgression in the Preppy Murder. JOURNAL OF URBAN AND CULTURAL STUDIES (Donald Macedo, Journal of Urban and Cultural Studies, Department of English, University of Massachusetts at Boston, Harbor Campus, Boston, Massachusetts 021253393, USA) The Pedagogy of Peace and War

Noam Chomsky The Gulf Crisis; Noam Chomsky The New World Order. Theorizing Postmodern War Miriam Cooke Postmodern Wars: Phallomilitary Spectacles in the DTO; Donna Haraway On Wimps; Hugh Gusterson Nuclear War, the Gulf War, and the Disappearing body; Mark Driscoll Bring the Tropes Home: (Academic) Life During Wartime; George Lakoff Metaphor and War: The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf; Judith Butler The Imperialist Subject. Teaching Postmodern Peace John Brown Childs Notes on the Gulf War, Racism, and African-American Social Thought: Ramifications for Teaching; Carol Becker Men in Suits; Craig Reinarman Political Pedagogy and Democratic Discourse: Bringing War and Peace into the Classroom; Giovanna Di Chiro and Marita Sturken Countering the Disempowerment of War; Laurie J.Sears Authoritative Voices and the Vietnam Experience: Teaching About Vietnam During the Gulf War; Carolyn M.Stephenson Peace Studies, the Gulf War, and Peace. RETHINKING MARXISM (Submissions and other editorial comments to: Jack Amariglio, Editor, Department of Economics, Merrimack College, North Andover, MA 01845. Book reviews to: Stephen Cullenberg, Department of Economics, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. Remarx to: Richard Wolff, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003. Subscriptions (indicate starting issue) and checks to Rethinking MARXISM, Guildford Publications, Inc., 72 Spring St., New York, NY 10012). Marcia Landy Socialist Education Today: Pessimism or Optimism of the Intellect?; Wolfgang Fritz Haug The Surrender of the Fortress: Did the East German People Vote for the Restoration?; George DeMartino Trade-Union Isolation and the Catechism of the Left; John Pitman Weber ‘Yell’ and other art. Reading Theater Radically R.G.Davis Unwrapping and Remapping Brecht’s The Mother: The Old Left and the New Left Shuffle; Linda Kintz Gendering the Critique of Representation: Fascism, the Purified Body, and Theater in Adorno, Artaud, and Maria Irene Fornes; Julian Markels Shakespeare’s Materialism in King Lear. Remarx: Tom Bottomore Problems and Prospects of a Socialist Economy in Europe; Allan MacNeill & Ted Burczak The Critique of Consumerism in The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover. Review: Robert J.S.Ross History and Subjectivity: The Transformation of Marxism by Robert S.Gottlieb. REPRESENTATIONS (University of California Press, 2120 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, California 94720. Address books for review and manuscripts for submission to the Editors, Representations, 322 Wheeler Hall, University of California,

Berkeley, California 94720. Address subscription orders, changes of address, and business correspondence (including requests for permissions and advertising orders) to the Journals Department, University of California Press, 2120Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94720.) Number 37, Winter 1992 Special Issue: Imperial Fantasies and Postcolonial Histories Dipesh Chakrabarty Postcoloniality and the Artifice of History: Who Speaks for ‘Indian’ Pasts?; Gyanendra Pandey In Defense of the Fragment: Writing About Hindu-Muslim Riots in India Today; Nicholas B.Dirks Castes of Mind; Geoffrey Galt Harpham Abroad Only by a Fiction: Creation, Irony, and Necessity in Conrad’s The Secret Agent; Thomas Richards Archive and Utopia; Peter Metcalf Aban Jau’s Boast; Ann Laura Stoler ‘In Cold Blood’: Hierarchies of Credibility and the Politics of Colonial Narratives. PUBLIC CULTURE (Bulletin of the Center for Transnational Cultural Studies) (Submissions and subscriptions to: Public Culture, The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, 33rd and Spruce Streets, Philadelphia, PA 191046324, USA.) Volume 3, Number 2, Spring 1991 Contents: Debates and Controversies: Elizabeth G.Traube Transforming Heroes: Hollywood and the Demonization of Women; Hamid Naficy The Averted Gaze in Iranian Postrevolutionary Cinema; Ella Shohat Imaging Terra Incognita: The Disciplinary Gaze of Empire; Susan Hegeman Shopping for Identities: ‘A Nation of Nations’ and the Weak Ethnicity of Objects; Dulali Nag Fashion, Gender and the Bengali Middle Class; Disarming Images. War Talk: Collective Conversations: Bruce Robbins Two Days before the War; Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Lila Abu-Lughod Nine Days into the War; Jean Adelman, Kris Hardin, Michele Richman, Serena S.Skwersky, Susan Stewart, Peter van der Veer Twenty Days into the War; Steven Feld Twenty-nine Days into the War; Carolyn Marvin Trooping the Colors on TV; War Miscellany. MAGAZINE OF CULTURAL STUDIES (Back issues: Martin Baker, Department of Humanities, Bristol Polytechnic, Oldbury Court Road, Bristol BS16 2JP.) Issue No.3/Spring 1991 Contents: Ella Westland Dick Whittington in the 19th Century: How did the moralists of emergent capitalism cope with the questionable morality of Dick Whittington and his luck?; Alan O’Shea ‘Futures’ Conference: a report; Ian Miller Lisa, Jeff & Vic ’91: A Rear Window glimpse into a pro-filmic nightmare; Maureen McNeil After Thatcher: Reflections on Elevan Years of Gender Politics, or How did Thatcher the Tory relate to Thatcher the woman —and how did the left cope with relationship?; Steve Bennison & Andrew Spicer Cultural Studies at A Level? Plans for an A Level in our field are f ar

advanced. What would it be like, and what problems has it met?; Bev Skeggs ‘Changing Men, Changing Politics’ Conference: a report; John Stathatos Sidney James Diamonds in Australia: a photo-text on an installation; Beverley Skeggs A Spanking Good Time. An argument counter to the common view that Madonna is contributing to male control of female sexuality; Liz Wells Black Artists’ Installation: a report; Jill Colaco Fairytales, Feminists, and my Fifteen Minutes: or, on finding yourself on Page 3…; Ian Spring In Pursuit of Trivia: On being in the grip of irrelevant knowledge and pointless activity…; Reviews; Sunpreet Arshi Radical Philosophy Conference: a report. CONTINUUM (The Australian Journal of Media & Culture) Continuum, Centre for Research in Culture & Communication, Murdoch University, Murdoch, WA, 6150, Australia. Tel: (09) 360 2734 Fax: (09) 310 6285. Contributions in the form of articles and reviews are welcome. Subscription rates are $25 for individuals and $45 for institutions per volume. Individual copies are available for $12.50 for individuals and $22.50 for institutions. Overseas rates are in US dollars. Cheques should be made payable to Continuum. Volume 6:1(1992) Contents: Toby Miller An Editorial Introduction for Radio. Radio Practice: David Rowe ‘Just Warming ‘em up’: Radio Talkback And Its Renditions; Niall Lucy Radio Management: Sectors, Structures, Styles; Jonathan Dawson JJJ: Radical Radio?; Gabrielle O’Ryan Oh Bondage: Up Yours!; Irma Whitford Public Radio: The Promise and the Performance; Jonathan Dawson Radio National: Radio Active; John Laycock Gzowsky = Canada; David Birch Talking Politics: Radio Singapore. Sound Practice: Tom O’Regan Radio Daze: Some Historical & Technological Aspects of Radio; Therese Davis Presence; Gregory Whitehead Pressures of the Unspeakable: A Nervous System for Sydney; Rebecca Coyle Sound and Speed in Convocation: The Listening Room on Virilio; Allen S.Weiss Pressures of the Sun: Manifesto Against the Electric Drug; Martin Harrison Three Works from Memory-‘De-memorize, like the unconscious’. Questions of Film Culture: Noel King Critical Occasions: Making Meaning and Film Criticism; Toby Miller (How) Does Film Theory Work?; Stephen Crofts Cross-cultural Reception: Variant Readings of Crocodile Dundee; Noel King Reconsidering the Film-Politics Relation; Review: Writing Culture/Writing Anthropology. Continuum Volume 5:1 (1991) Contents: Alec McHoul Introduction. 1. Visual Discourse: David Silverman Unfixing the Subject: Viewing Bad Timing; Alec McHoul Taking the Children: Some Reflections at a Distance on the Camera and Dr Barnardo; Niall Lucy My Nerves/My Derrida: On Brunette & Wills’ Screen/Play.