This book has been written to demonstrate the potential for integrating all the design processes involved in a building project using the emerging CAD-related computer-based tools and techniques. Even before these Information Technology (IT) tools and techniques are applied there needs to be a change in the procurement and management of the building project process itself. This change must affect the roles of the disciplines involved (including the client) and the relationships between them. The main aspect of this change should be that everyone involved (including the client) should see themselves and be seen by others as designers. Integrated design can only occur if each person’s concepts about the building project solution are coincidental as design is itself about conceiving change. In other words, if the building project design process is to be beneficially integrated then everyone needs to be of the same mind about the final building solution. That is the only way that everyone’s needs —and not just the client’s-will be met. But it is also the only way that clients’ needs will be fully met, as the solution will be as much as a result of their own informed conception as that of any of the other project participants involved. One objective among many of integrated building design should be to cause clients to think seriously about their buildings.