Social justice under siege We inhabit skeptical times; historical moments spawned in a temper of distrust, disillusionment and despair. Social relations of discomfort and diffidence have always pre-existed us but the current historical juncture is particularly invidious in this regard, marked as it is by a rapture of greed, untempered and hypereroticized consumer will, racing currents of narcissism, severe economic and racial injustices and heightened social paranoia. The objective conditions of Western capitalism now appear so completely incompatible with the realization of f reedom and liberation that it is no understatement to consider them mutually antagonistic enterprises. Situated beyond the reach of ethically convincing forms of accountability, capitalism has dissolved the meaning of democracy and freedom into glossy aphorisms one finds in election campaign sound bytes or at bargain-basement sales in suburban shopping malls. The American public has been proferred a vision of democracy that is a mixture of Sunday barbecue banality, American Gladiator jocksniffery, AMWAY enterprise consciousness, and the ominous rhetoric of ‘New World Order’ jingoism.