This is the story of a great nation. It is the history of the various peoples who have occupied the land of Scotland over the past 5000 years or more, how they got there, what they have done and what marks they have left upon the story of world civilization. It is an account of the deeds of men and women, great heroes and humble folk alike, who have made a small country assume an importance far greater than its size and population would ordinarily merit. And it is a tale of the political, economic and social progress of a people who have made the word ‘Scottish’ famous for an unique blend of bravery, cautiousness, diligence and inventiveness. Scotsmen and Scotswomen have for centuries been pioneers, played leading roles, in a variety of areas of human activity in lands all over the world. This will become clear as the history of Scotland is unfolded, but we may take a few examples at random to show what we mean. Mungo Park and David Livingstone opened up the continent of Africa to European discovery and settlement. Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic properties of the mould penicillin. John Logie Baird passed pictures down electrical waves to give the world television. James Simpson enabled women to have their children without the accompaniment of prolonged and terrible pains, and so opened up the world of anaesthetics. John Napier invented logarithms and advanced the usage of mathematics. Alexander Mackenzie traced the great river of his name in Canada through to the Arctic and opened up a whole new area to the world of trade. Robert Adam, with his brothers, introduced a style and philosophy of architecture and interior

design that influenced the whole of European building design and furnishing, and spread across the Atlantic to America. Adam Smith revolutionized the study of economics with his Wealth of Nations. One could go on.