All pseudonyms that appear in the text of the periodical, whether solved or not, are in the following index, but not those in publishers’ lists even though they may be mentioned in the entries for Part A. Furthermore, because we subscribe to the notion that to some degree a pseudonym conceals the real name, an author’s initials at the end of an article or a story, or of an introductory note or postscript, are not treated as pseudonyms if his real name is printed at the start of the item or on the cover of the issue. But if it is printed only in the table of contents, drawn up later at the conclusion of the half year, the temporary concealment is sufficient to warrant placing the initials in the following list. It may be added that fictitious names are not considered pseudonyms: therefore Tom Jenkins ap Jones ap Barnacle in Fraser’s no. 1607 is not indexed. This is also true of purely descriptive names: “an eye-witness” in an article entitled “An account, by an eye-witness, of the wreck of the Amphitrite” (Fraser’s no. 623) is not included below. But where an article entitled “The annexation of the Transvaal” (Fraser’s no. 5955) is signed at the end “An Eye-Witness,” we take this to be partly descriptive but partly secretive, and enter it as a pseudonym. The distinction, however, is imprecise.