More recently, in the public sector, the Local Government Act 1999 has introduced the concept of ‘Best Value’. The government has defined Best Value as a duty to deliver services to clear standards, covering both cost and quality – by the most economic, efficient and effective means available. Best Value replaces Compulsory Competitive Tendering and will undoubtedly have an impact on voluntary organizations, particularly those who enter into contracts with local authorities. Best Value is concerned with continuous improvement fundamental performance reviews based on the four Cs:

1 Challenge – how services are being provided 2 Compare – service provision with others 3 Consult – local community on how services can be improved 4 Competition – as a means of securing efficient and effective services

A fifth C, Co-operation, can also be said to exist which is how the public, private and voluntary sectors can together improve service delivery. Best Value continues the move, which we discussed in Chapter 1, of the government’s agenda to move local authorities away from provider of services to enabler.