In this and the following chapters, we explore the social relations organizing the work that women do in relation to their children’s schooling and the work of the school. Out of the many topics we could have addressed, we have taken up two, both of which locate aspects of the work done in the home that are distinctively consequential for the work of schools. In this chapter, we look at how women coordinate the everyday scheduling disjuncture between paid employment, both theirs and their husbands, and the scheduling of the school. We draw on our interviews at both Turner’s Crossing and Maltby. Our Turner’s Crossing interviews gave us a greater richness of data largely because our interviewing time was not constrained. When we had to shift our research to Maltby, we had to deploy a more economical style of interviewing in order to get the research completed during the funding period. Hence, we have used more of our Turner’s Crossing material in this chapter.