Before a marketer can create any content for a digital signage program, it's important to understand a number of things about the network—to make a kind of preliminary survey of the landscape. If it is a new network then a strategic blueprint will have to be created before screen one is deployed. What you learn in this initial phase will inform a host of later decisions that are vital to the network's success in communicating your messages to the intended audience. It can take some time to create a strategic plan and will require those new to digital signage to learn some new concepts and terminology. This often runs into a countervailing force—the pressure to get a network developed and operational quickly, with a minimum up-front investment. Because of this pressure, there can be a temptation, even by experienced marketers, to skip this step, particularly when a marketer has a wealth of existing content to tap—television commercials, print ad campaigns, and the like. But as we learned in the Introduction and Chapter 1, DOOH has its own unique characteristics that most often prevent that content from being used as is.