This chapter focuses on the less scintillating but still very important topics of 64-bit plug-ins, memory allocation, and installation and deactivating plug-ins. It examines a lot of information on licenses, including floating licenses versus node-locked licenses, render-farm licenses, and how to find users Ethernet ID when purchasing licenses for some plug-ins. To find out how much RAM is allocated to After Effects, users need to look under After Effects > Memory & Multiprocessing. By lowering the amount of RAM allocated to After Effects, RAM previews will be shorter. This could be helpful if more memory is needed for applications such as Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, or other memory-intensive software. Each plug-in will be different and some may have an installer while others may just have users drag the plug-ins to a folder on user's computer. The chapter provides some basic information about installation and troubleshooting installs that will apply to most plug-ins.