Celine Tricart is a 2008 graduate of the Louis Lumière film school in Paris. When she was a first-year student at the school, she attended a 3D screening with some of the best French stereo specialists at the time. Because it was the first time she actually saw 3D, she was very impressed and amazed by the immersion and the realism of the images. The stereoscopic footage was mostly footage for museums and ride films. At the end of the screening, the hosts told the audience that everything was ready for 3D in terms of technology and knowledge. It was now time for scriptwriters, directors, and artists to make the best out of it and create a new way of storytelling. “This resonated as a call for me,” said Tricart. “I was looking forward to becoming a director, but I am also fond of new technologies. So, I decided to write my final essay during my third year about 3D storytelling and filmmaking.” It was then that Tricart wrote her first 3D short film, Reminiscence, which she directed at the end of the year.