It seems that since the first days of 3D visualization, no other architectural element has garnered more attention than the ‘wall’. One of the most commonly asked questions between fellow 3D visualization artists is, “How do you create your walls in 3D?” The question is bound to be answered a number of different ways depending on who you ask and their experience level, but the question is so important to so many of us because the walls are usually the first part of a building that we create, and arguably the most important. It is, in some ways, the real foundation on which other building elements are added. And unlike other critically important scene elements like vegetation, cars, backgrounds, etc., walls leave no room for artistic interpretation, and neither do the objects we place in or on our walls. Extraneous objects, like cars, are certainly important but are usually not the focus of a project. In most cases, a building is the focus of a project and although our choice in cars may not appeal to our clients, it is certainly understood that these types of objects are open for some degree of artistic interpretation, and as such, disapproval is usually not considered an error. Walls, on the other hand, need to be created with precision and any deviation from the data provided in the architectural drawings is usually considered erroneous. It’s no wonder then why so many 3D artists are interested in the techniques with which others create these critically important object types.