The fluctuation in support is tied to the state’s economy and competing demands for state funding with K-12 education, mental health coverage, Medicaid, and prisons to name a few. Based on these and other trends since 1980, the American Council in Education predicts that “the average state fiscal support for higher education will reach zero by 2059.” The increased cost of higher education is forcing many to consider options other than traditional advanced education after high school. Lean is one way to effectively deal with many of the problems and issues facing institutions of higher education. According to a 2014 Government Accountability Office report, state funding for public colleges saw a 12% decline from 2003–2012 while the average tuition fee increased 55%. Colleges/universities are struggling to keeping up with the ever changing demands of the workforce. Colleges must find better ways to assess and align with current and future job needs or risk losing students due to poor job placement.