Chapter 5 addresses the roles played by technology and humans in quality assurance. A clear distinction is made between technological quality assurance and the different styles of human revision. The chapter covers criteria and ISO standards currently adopted by LSPs. It considers how quality standards can be met through the quality assurance (QA) function in CAT tools and through human revision. Different levels of translation quality are brought into the equation: for example, if machine translation is used as an integrated technological translation tool in a CAT program, or when web texts require localisation. The fluid nature of translation quality is central in the chapter and it is suggested that translation quality be perceived from different angles in accordance with the user’s needs. Special attention is given to the concept of revision and the styles in which self-revision and third-party revision can be performed. Revision has become a key and mandatory component in the translation process. Its complexity has increased due to different modes of translation and the use of a variety of databases. Therefore, the project assignment offers good opportunities to manage all the stages in a translation project and different styles of revision.