This chapter discusses the work that was done with patients over the years, work that was influenced by theories associated with attachment and mentalization.

Through the use of a metaphor that represents my observing ego—“The Lady and the Unicorn” tapestry that hangs on my office wall—an attempt was made to illustrate why change occurred.

Each person described arrived for their initial session in my office burdened by the sense that they were under the influence of another; often they felt totally stifled by someone else, deprived of the freedom to choose their own path in life—it was as if they were under a spell. Yet through “present-moment” experiences with another person who helped them create new stories about themselves and their lives, change, freedom, and a new way of being in the world became possible. Through trust and new learning, these people were able to recover from their traumatic experiences. Eventually many were able to flourish and soar.

Being able to participate in this process wherein every emotion known to men and women is experienced is a true gift, an opportunity for which I will always be grateful.