This chapter discusses what occurred in the 2016 Presidential election. While Hillary Clinton did not lose the popular votes—she outstripped her opponent by more than three million votes—Donald Trump is President of the United States. How and why this unusual outcome occurred is related to the general theme of this book. By projecting an inordinate amount of negativity, false accusations, and bias against Hillary, Trump won the electoral vote, but in so doing, a bitter divide began that polarized the country. Women began to lose gains that were made over the last three decades; what would not have been imaginable a few years ago has begun to become commonplace.

Not only did Trump’s “victory” change the way women are viewed by men in the United States, it also changed the way the United States is seen around the world.

As time goes by, respect for women seems to be on the wane, as illustrated by the way the Trump administration continues to demean not only Hillary Clinton, but women in general.