Daniella Topol has been the Artistic Director of Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre in New York City since 2016. She served as the Artistic Program Director at the Lark Play Development Center in New York City, and the Associate Producing Director at City Theatre in Pittsburgh for several years. Daniella Topol’s focus is primarily on new plays and new play development. Daniella Topol’s directorial style is devoted to giving voice and form to the play; her storytelling is elegant and sharp. Daniella Topol mentions working on projects she is passionate about for years before they could get fully produced. She learned how to navigate all the aspects of the theatre business, because in the end, students learn by doing and they are the first one who can make things happen. With a practical and yet positive approach, Topol exhorts young female artists to look at the bigger picture and let that help them overcome the obstacles that may get in their way.