From stars in the skies to ants on the ground, from soaring mountain peaks to frogs on a lily pad, from wispy clouds to fireflies around the campfire—they represent God’s creativity. He is a creator from the get-go. He is not a cookie-cutter God. Not one sunset is the same. Not one snowflake is the same. Not one person is the same. God is the first original artist. It’s in His blood. He is irrepressible and He loves creativity. When Paul started planting, there was no playbook to consult. No one had done it before him. There were no previous trailblazers to the Gentile world to which he could look. He would be the first to go. Paul had to rely on a mixture of common sense, ingenuity, boldness, moxie, prototyping, hard work, dedication, and Holy Spirit guidance to carry out his mission. Paul looked for public places where he perceived there would be an openness to the gospel.