Every great leader has a vision to change the world, “to put a dent in the universe”. Jesus was the ultimate world changer. Scriptures tell people that in view of humanity’s sin, God sent His only begotten Son into this world to redeem it. Jesus lived to die. Each and every day the dysfunction could be seen in His own small village of Nazareth. Every day He could see the effects of human beings’ fallen nature—their greed, their anger, their rage, their lust, their covetousness, their selfishness. He could see it in His siblings and His mother. The condition of humanity was intractable. No matter how much they tried, they could not improve themselves. Yes, there could be incremental gains, but no fundamental ones. The Father would endow Jesus with unparalleled power from the Holy Spirit to express His heart for the multitudes trapped in sickness, heaviness, bondage, and hopelessness.