The Throwbacks cohort marks a move away from the individualism that marked the Sustainers cohort. It also includes a return to both strands of social activism that have occurred in women’s professional tennis: equality and representation. This new cohort was named by Pam Shriver of the Joiners cohort who referred to them as “Throwbacks.” The Throwbacks cohort operates alongside the Sustainers cohort. Within the Throwbacks cohort, women are merging social activism with their accomplishments in tennis. These players operate successfully within the Sustainers cohort, with its focus on corporatization and marketing; however, they are inspired by the efforts of the Founders cohort and the Joiners cohort to create change, and make society at large better. To be clear, the Sustainers cohort and the Throwbacks cohort are operating at the same time. All of the current players belong to the Sustainers cohort; however, only a few belong to the Throwbacks cohort. As such, they are operating within the confines of the corporatization and mass marketing of the Sustainers cohort while also working towards social justice via various projects. The players of the Throwbacks cohort use the power they have gained from successfully operating within the Sustainers cohort to work on social justice issues.