The concept of intersectionality can be employed to examine the lived experiences of Dalit entrepreneurs at multiple points of intersection that have thus far been neglected in academic analysis. The conceptual approach of intersectionality has been borrowed from feminist studies, where it is used to examine how various social, cultural and biological categories like race, gender, class, ethnicity, and religion interact and create multiple and often simultaneous conditions of discrimination and social inequality. The framework of social power derived from caste draws its sustenance necessarily through group identity. The intersecting space is a social field where the practice of discrimination is accepted by the discriminated, not in a conscious or willing manner. Intersectionality provides an epistemic basis for understanding the changing political economy and political sociology of caste. The claim of the intersectionality approach is to explain the attempts of business persons/entrepreneurs from upper-castes to engage with Dalit entrepreneurs on unequal terms in the course of market transactions.