Offenders continue to succeed, co-opting us and the victims to help them. Even offenders who have been convicted and are on registries are succeeding. This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book offers easy-to-understand explanations of victim response to violence and practical ways to explain, explore, and reveal these responses. The more we can understand and explain victim response, the more our system can focus on the real issue-prosecuting offenders rather than defending or demonizing victims. The book is about the author's learning from the research, work with victims, and his y work with perpetrators, who are an excellent source of information on how they exploit people's misunderstanding, misinformation, and faulty expectations of victims and perpetrators in the context of private violence. It seems that is easier to believe that victims will lie rather than that we cannot clearly identify perpetrators and prevent assault.